Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Turn Order / Player Turns

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            Decide randomly who will be taking their turn first.


1.       Players will Draw 5 cards from their Deck up to 8 cards  (from Life Deck), discard down if you have to.

2.       Players will determine if they wish to Move or Rest on this turn

3.       Movement will consist of discarding a certain amount of cards from your hand in order to move a certain amount of spaces.  Cards can be of any type and make sure to look for cards that were left on the deck from previous turn (minion cards defeated, and persistent action cards) / If Resting then Heal any wounds in hand and skip to Step 9 and begin Purchase Phase

4.       Check to see what color the space you land on is (whether it is a normal space on a specific Colored Map Tile, or a specific colored space itself). 

5.       Check the Monster chart and roll a d6 to see what type of Monster you will be dealing with.

6.       Prepare for combat by drawing cards into your Combat hand.  The number is  based on the Archtype Skill level your character has that is used against the specific monster you are facing

7.       Choose how many minions (if any) you would like to add to the monster you are going to be facing.

8.       Complete combat .  See the results in the Encounter/Defeat sections.  If you have succeeded against a monster with minion cards then place them in front of you.  Also receive any Item/or any other rewards for combat.  If you lose then check specific monster lose condition on the Encounter/Monster/Special Terrain board.

9.       Proceed to Purchasing Phase.  There is no more drawing of cards unless a specific Action/Combo or Dungeon card has allowed you to.

10.   Clean- up play area by discarding all cards into your Discard Pile (rest deck).  Make sure to keep any persistant or recently defeated minion cards in front of you, and to also trash any Starter Cards that you wish to either from Movement phase or from Purchasing phase.

(Need to assess whether players need to perform certain actions at the same time, or anything else that will streamline any of this if it is too long.  Also, the Dungeon Cards will specifically state when they will be player on them, that is why they are not listed in these turn phases.)

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