Now the player will have moved and will deal with combat. They first roll the d6 to see what monster they are dealing with. There is a chart on the Encounter/Monster/Special Tile specifically for each Monster Archtype. The number they roll will then represent a specific monster/encounter . The color of the Tile or Space they are on determines which column to look at. Depending on how far along they are on the Entire map will determine the strength level of that monster. Each monster has 3 tiers of itself. The following are the tiers determined by your distance
Tier 1 = Starting Tile , Map Tile Column 1
Tier 2 = Map Tile Column 2 + 3
Tier 3 = Map Tile Column 4 + Final Tile
The player at this point has already moved, and has discarded a certain amount of cards during that movement phase. They will now draw cards for their combat/encounter hand. This is determined by the Archtype of the creature they are fighting, and also what the player's actual skill level is in that Archtype. Check your character sheet and see what your current Archtype skill level is and draw that many cards. So if a player is Tier 2 in Martial and Tier 4 in Magical...if they fight a monster who is susceptible to Magic then they can draw 4 cards at this point, and if they fight a Martial monster they only draw 2.
Now the player after drawing and looking at their cards can then decide how many minions they may want to face. Keep in mind that monsters on the map tiles become more challenging depending on how far along you are on your path. So you may add less minions the farther along you are. Adding minions is as simple as stating that you want to add a minion! You first state how many you want to add, then the cards are flipped (other players may end up adding or subtracting minions in your fight depending on cards they have played.) .
Minions will have + Dmg, and + Atk of varying degrees and combinations. When you add minions they will add these scores straight to that of the Monster
The player will now perform appropriate combos, use items, and deal with dungeon cards that might have been played against them in order to do more dmg than the monsters combined HPs (combination of monster + minions). If they do not then they will fail in combat and be subjected to the penalties for defeat.
- A monster will have an Attack score and a Health score. The player's goal is to do more dmg than the monster's Health (this is a victory always), and to have a defense score equal to or greater than the monster's combined Attack. Whatever the difference is between the Def score and the Monster's Attack score (below the atk score) the player will suffer that in DMG(See Damage section). However, every point also that the player was not able to meet the Health of the monster with their Attack value will also deal dmg to the player. If the player beats the monster's health then they will win regardless of if they took dmg or not. In this case they gain all rewards. If they dont match the health then they lose and will be subject to any penalties for lose that the monster may give, or that is on the minion cards.
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