Currently there are two different concepts I'm working on for damage. I kind of like the first more, and it is slightly borrowed from Middle Earth Quest.
1. Life Deck / Rest Deck / Damage Deck = The player's typical draw deck is reffered to as the Life Deck. The Rest deck is the typical discard pile. Whenever the player rests they will then reshuffle the rest deck into the life deck. The player is forceed to Rest whenever they run out of cards in their life deck, but it takes up an entire turn to do so. The Damage deck is the what is created as the player takes damage. When a wound is infliced the player takes the top cards from the Life deck (face down), and then places it in the Damage deck space. If the player takes 4 damage they take those top 4 cards over there. The only way to get these cards back is to actually Heal, and even then they just go into your Rest Deck.
2. Wound Cards = These cards will be given to players as they suffer wounds in combat. A player will take a wound card and add it to their discard pile. Wound cards do a number of things.
1. These cards will take up valuable room in your drawn hand
2. Major Wound cards are options that you can take if you take alot of damage in combat (these could be worth 3-4 dmg). This way you are adding less cards to your deck, however each will have some sort of penalty power to them. They may have a minus to movement, attack, or even an Archtype (not allowing you to use that type that turn). These wounds can seriously slow your progress
3. If you ever exceed 7 wounds (a combination of wounds in your hand and wounds you suffer in an encounter/combat) your character will die/be defeated and suffer the appropriate penalty.
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