Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taking Damage

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Currently there are two different concepts I'm working on for damage.  I kind of like the first more, and it is slightly borrowed from Middle Earth Quest.

1.  Life Deck / Rest Deck / Damage Deck =  The player's typical draw deck is reffered to as the Life Deck.  The Rest deck is the typical discard pile.  Whenever the player rests they will then reshuffle the rest deck into the life deck.  The player is forceed to Rest whenever they run out of cards in their life deck, but it takes up an entire turn to do so.  The Damage deck is the what is created as the player takes damage.  When a wound is infliced the player takes the top cards from the Life deck (face down), and then places it in the Damage deck space.  If the player takes 4 damage they take those top 4 cards over there.  The only way to get these cards back is to actually Heal, and even then they just go into your Rest Deck.

2.  Wound Cards = These cards will be given to players as they suffer wounds in combat.  A player will take a wound card and add it to their discard pile.  Wound cards do a number of things. 

1.       These cards will take up valuable room in your drawn hand

2.       Major Wound cards are options that you can take if you take alot of damage in combat (these could be worth 3-4 dmg).  This way you are adding less cards to your deck, however each will have some sort of penalty power to them.  They may have a minus to movement, attack, or even an Archtype (not allowing you to use that type that turn).  These wounds can seriously slow your progress

3.       If you ever exceed 7 wounds (a combination of wounds in your hand and wounds you suffer in an encounter/combat) your character will die/be defeated and suffer the appropriate penalty. 


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After the Encounter phase the player will now have X amount of Cards still in their hand.  Each card is worth 1 Purchasing value (unless otherwise stated).  The player needs only to discard them into their discard pile in order to purchase a card.  Each card shows a value for it, each tier of Archtype card will cost a little more than the last.  Items can be purchased but they are very expensive.  The player if they wish to purchase an Archtype Action/Combo card from another player must pay an additional Card fee that is placed in their opponents Discard pile (this could be good and/or bad for the opponent).  The player then gets to retain all extra cards they have for the next turn. 

Special Terrain

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Special Terrain/Tactic Areas
                        Special terrains on a Map tile are very tricky situations.  When you move to the “Start of Special Terrain” space on a map your turn immediately stops, and you proceed to the Purchase Phase.  This makes it so you cannot Move through one of these spaces, and if you are moved to one you cannot move off of it.  You are now locked into the Special Terrain for your next turn.  On your next turn you must roll a die and check the Special Terrain Chart.  You will then have to complete 1 of the 6 scenarios (depending on your roll).  By winning you will be whisked away to another location, or you will receive some sort of great reward.  If you lose then look to see Losing Condition for the specific terrain.  Cards can be used to change your roll either by yourself or from other players 

 (Currently working on different concepts for these.  I want these actually to be specific and not randomized so that people can see the area and take a chance at defeating these in order to get a head or catch up.  I've also thought of these having different degrees of difficulty depending on what place in the race you are (1-4).  There was an original Trap idea as well for how these might actually play out, and not just a typical combat style but more of a matching style.....will further flush this out.)


                        Now the player will have moved and will deal with combat.  They first roll the d6 to see what monster they are dealing with.  There is a chart on the Encounter/Monster/Special Tile specifically for each Monster Archtype.  The number they roll will then represent a specific monster/encounter .  The color of the Tile or Space they are on determines which column to look at.  Depending on how far along they are on the Entire map will determine the strength level of that monster.  Each monster has 3 tiers of itself.  The following are the tiers determined by your distance


       Tier 1                      =                             Starting Tile , Map Tile Column 1

                                                Tier 2                     =                             Map Tile Column 2 + 3

                                                Tier 3                     =                             Map Tile Column 4 + Final Tile

The player at this point has already moved, and has discarded a certain amount of cards during that movement phase.  They will now draw cards for their combat/encounter hand.  This is determined by the Archtype of the creature they are fighting, and also what the player's actual skill level is in that Archtype.  Check your character sheet and see what your current Archtype skill level is and draw that many cards.  So if a player is Tier 2 in Martial and Tier 4 in Magical...if they fight a monster who is susceptible to Magic then they can draw 4 cards at this point, and if they fight a Martial monster they only draw 2. 

Now the player after drawing and looking at their cards can then decide how many minions they may want to face.  Keep in mind that monsters on the map tiles become more challenging depending on how far along you are on your path.  So you may add less minions the farther along you are.  Adding minions is as simple as stating that you want to add a minion!  You first state how many you want to add, then the cards are flipped (other players may end up adding or subtracting minions in your fight depending on cards they have played.) . 

Minions will have + Dmg, and + Atk of varying degrees and combinations.  When you add minions they will add these scores straight to that of the Monster

The player will now perform appropriate combos, use items, and deal with dungeon cards that might have been played against them in order to do more dmg than the monsters combined HPs (combination of monster + minions).  If they do not then they will fail in combat and be subjected to the penalties for defeat.
                - A monster will have an Attack score and a Health score.  The player's goal is to do more dmg than the monster's Health (this is a victory always), and to have a defense score equal to or greater than the monster's combined Attack.  Whatever the difference is between the Def score and the Monster's Attack score (below the atk score) the player will suffer that in DMG(See Damage section).  However, every point also that the player was not able to meet the Health of the monster with their Attack value will also deal dmg to the player.  If the player beats the monster's health then they will win regardless of if they took dmg or not.  In this case they gain all rewards.  If they dont match the health then they lose and will be subject to any penalties for lose that the monster may give, or that is on the minion cards. 



                        Determining number of spaces to move

                                                The player is first going to draw their current hand.  Draw 5 cards, hand limit of 8.  The player will now look at the map tile to figure out the route they wish to take.  In between each space on the tiles (and when crossing from tile to tile) there will be a Number that will be within a certain color circle.  (example: 2 inside a red circle).   The number represents the number of cards you must discard in order to move from your current space across that gap to the next space.  You may use ANY card type in your hand to discard during this phase (dungeon, item, action/combo) (You may utilize Minion cards that are still sitting in front of you from your last encounter towards these numbers).  The Color represents a specific Archtype (red,blue,green,orange).  Instead of discarding the number worth of cards, you may discard 1 Action/Combo card of that Archtype/color instead.  You may move up to as many spaces as you wish on your turn as long as you have the cards to do so. 

                                Special Terrain centers

                                                All tiles have a special Vortex in the middle.  The only way to get onto that vortex is to discard 1 of the specific Archtype/Color cards that matches the border color of that Map Tile 

Card Types

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            Action/Combo Cards = These cards are the way that a player will defend and attack in combat.  The cards have 3 different effects listed on them.  These effects are used depending on where the specific card is in a combo.  For instance you typically place three cards from your hand down to form a combo.  The order you place them in signifies which affect each card is utilizing (i.e., the first card is using its first effect, 2 card is using its second effect.)

                There are cards that represent the 4 Archtypes (fighter/mage/cleric/psionic).  Every player is allowed to purchase cards from any archtype, but it is easier for them to purchase the cards from their own.  There are 3 tiers of cards in each Archtype, the purchasing of cards will increase your overall Archtype score (which determines hand size in combat against certain baddies)

Minion/Dungeon Cards= These cards are addons to combat.  After you know what you are fighting you have the option to add minions to the fight.  These minions will make the fight harder, but these cards also have all sorts of benefits; ie. special ability that can either be used when you are fighting, or to mess with other racers.  The other benefit is that they will persist in front of you for an entire round before they go into your discard pile.  They will therefore help with your ability to move, which is discussed later.    (if these cards tend to be too powerful  the other option is that when used they immediately go into the DMG deck if playing with that rule.  Either that or they are Trashed into the Minion discard pile after use.)
                     Item Cards= The item cards are used as a way to get multiple combos off (since typically you only get 1 combo on your turn), but also every item has another affect that it can have on your turn; heals, extra dmg…ect.  The item card will depict on it where it needs to be played WITHIN a combo (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and quite possibly what SPECIFIC archtype cards must be used in that combo with it.  Some items don’t need specific cards to be used with them, others do.  Some cards also only create a 2 card combo (itself and another card), others will create a standard 3 card combo.  (currently only 1 item used a turn, but playtest will determine this.)

Map Tiles

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MAP TILES-    The concept of these tiles as of now represent shards of lands ripped from all sorts of time and space.  The players currently only have monsters of the medieval/fantasy variety, but there will be other type of monsters added .

            The Starting Tile-  This is the place where all players start from.  From here they will have to deal with 1 to 2 encounters before getting into the Mid Race tiles,   (aka the twisting tiles). 

                Mid Race Tiles-   Each tile will have a color around its borders.  These colors represent what type of Archtype tile it is.  Currently there are roughly 9 spaces in a grid located on these tiles. The significant of the Archtype for the tile is that any monster you fight on these spaces will be of that specific Archtype.  So if you are a Martial heavy character going towards an Orange tile this will allow you to mostly fight martial creatures.  On each tile there will be some spaces available that will allow you to fight a monster from another Archtype, these will be represented by being filled in with a specific color of those Archtypes. 
                        All of these Mid Race tiles will have a border that is blacked out (Facing away from any other Map Tile).  During the game these tiles may be twisted by other players (turned any which way they want).  In this type of scenario these blacked out edges cannot be traversed.  (Each tile will also have an Item Token placed on it, at its back row randomly chosen of the three spaces.  This will be insentive to being out in front since most of the time you are being subject to other player’s dungeon cards)

                Final Destination Tiles-  Once you have made it all the way to the Final Tile you will move towards the exit.  This tile has larger numbers for movement, and also is very random in the monsters you will have to fight.  The type of creature is solo-y determined by the color of the Tile you are standing on.

Turn Order / Player Turns

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            Decide randomly who will be taking their turn first.


1.       Players will Draw 5 cards from their Deck up to 8 cards  (from Life Deck), discard down if you have to.

2.       Players will determine if they wish to Move or Rest on this turn

3.       Movement will consist of discarding a certain amount of cards from your hand in order to move a certain amount of spaces.  Cards can be of any type and make sure to look for cards that were left on the deck from previous turn (minion cards defeated, and persistent action cards) / If Resting then Heal any wounds in hand and skip to Step 9 and begin Purchase Phase

4.       Check to see what color the space you land on is (whether it is a normal space on a specific Colored Map Tile, or a specific colored space itself). 

5.       Check the Monster chart and roll a d6 to see what type of Monster you will be dealing with.

6.       Prepare for combat by drawing cards into your Combat hand.  The number is  based on the Archtype Skill level your character has that is used against the specific monster you are facing

7.       Choose how many minions (if any) you would like to add to the monster you are going to be facing.

8.       Complete combat .  See the results in the Encounter/Defeat sections.  If you have succeeded against a monster with minion cards then place them in front of you.  Also receive any Item/or any other rewards for combat.  If you lose then check specific monster lose condition on the Encounter/Monster/Special Terrain board.

9.       Proceed to Purchasing Phase.  There is no more drawing of cards unless a specific Action/Combo or Dungeon card has allowed you to.

10.   Clean- up play area by discarding all cards into your Discard Pile (rest deck).  Make sure to keep any persistant or recently defeated minion cards in front of you, and to also trash any Starter Cards that you wish to either from Movement phase or from Purchasing phase.

(Need to assess whether players need to perform certain actions at the same time, or anything else that will streamline any of this if it is too long.  Also, the Dungeon Cards will specifically state when they will be player on them, that is why they are not listed in these turn phases.)

Initial Setup

Start with this page


1.       Place the starting tile down in place.

2.       Shuffle the Map Tiles and randomly place them down in 2 rows of 4 that will be inbetween the Starting tile and the Final Tile.  Each has one side that has a black line that represents an impassible wall, make sure these are facing out and away from any other Map Tile.   

3.       Players now choose which character they will play (this can be done at random or players can choose – high roll breaks a decision if two people want the same character)

4.       Each player then places their character sheet in front of them, and places their miniature on the starter board.

5.       Players then collect their starting deck.  This will be 15 Cards.  There will be a set number of Starter Cards (There are 3 kinds of Start Cards, each player will get 4 of each of these cards.  The other 3 cards in the starter deck will be 2 from their classes specific Teir 1 Archtype card, and 1 other Tier 1 archtype card of their choice.)

6.       The board with the lists of Encounters/Monsters/Special Terrain is placed to the left of the Starter Tile

7.        Place the 3 Tiers of each Archtype in front of each Player’s board matching Archtype cards with character types.  This is where players will purchase from.

8.       Shuffle both the Item and Minion/Dungeon and place them on the other side of the Final Tile. 

9.       Decide Turn order and begin play.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Game overview for Wizard Card Race

This is a pretty simple game that I expect should be played fairly quickly.  Its not going to be a deck building game, but the mechanics for adding to your deck have not been fully flushed out yet.

The basic idea is that each player is playing as a Wizard who is trying to get through 12 locations prior to the other players being able to do so.  Each player will have a deck of cards which they will draw their hand from, and the cards will either be Location/Ability cards, or Power/Monster cards. 

The Location/Ability cards are the actual locations that they will be placing down in a row in front of them.  Each turn they will choose a different location to place down, and then they will have to deal with that location Utilizng their power cards from thei hands.  In order to place a location however, there is a cost, which is to discard X amount of cards from your hand as well.  Locations are ranked from 1-3....during the first 4 locations you visit you can use any type, but the second 4 have to be 2s ad 3s and the final four must be 3s.  There are other variations of adding locations together and what not....but anyways.

Locations will also have text on them that will claim which person at the table is going to be throwing monsters at you.  It may say person to your left, right, across and so forth.  That player then may play one of their Power/Monster cards (but ofcourse this means they will be lacking that power for later use).  Some locations may give bonuses to special monsters (a crypt for instance makes undead more powerful).

The final thing on the Location will be the ability aspects.  Locations will give the player benefits after they have defeated them (for instance better at conjuration, or illusions, or a +1 to hand limit).

The overall idea is that players will have to manage their hands wisely in order to place locations that build a specific type of character they want to play, and still be able to defeat locations and cause destruction to their opponents. 

I also have a few ideas about as wizards being able to specialize in schools of magic, being able to assist others in dealing damage, and more to come....

Game Overview for Trilogy Board Game

Alright, so this game is going to be my epic, and will take the longest to really flesh out.  The overall concept is the following.....

I love rpgs.  I used to play alot of pen and paper table top, but the time it takes to play those sorts of game unfortunately does not mesh well with my current schedule.  I then got into board games, of course, and I love them, I truly do.  However, I want a little more from a game.  Games that have scratched the itch for me (the RP itch), have been things like Fantasy Quest, Mageknight, Arkham, and Mansions of Madness, but they just havent given me the same experience, so I started to set out and try and create such a game.

The problem I kept running into is that i always wanted so much in a game that it was getting to big for its own britches.  I know....big for britches is a very terrible cliche, but anyways.  So the games got too large, and then it hit me....why not create three seperate games, with seperate mechanics that could be stand alone games, BUT if you played them with a specific extra deck they then became a triology of games that told an overarching story!

This would be great for those board game nights where you wanna go through 2-3 games with your buddies, and wouldnt mind playing a couple different games (mechanically speaking).

So, to give a sneak peak at the current concept thematically this is the idea in a nutshell

1. Episode 1 will be a co-op defend a city game. It will be the most RP of the games with the players working together to defend a city from impending doom.  They will have to deal with the military aspects of defending the walls, the food/financial aspects of a seiged city from the docks, the political drama from the nobles, and also having to complete their own personal story quests throughout.

2. Episode 2 is picking up the pieces of the nation/kingdom.  The players are going to be playing a game that involves much more euro style with unit placements and resource management in order to grow economical, political, military wealth as they also are building up the city and pushing their own political initiatives.  The characters were shaped by their own personal quests from the first game (and possible have favors they own or vegence they need to enact on specific players).  The game will play in a fasion where temporary alliances are made constantly depending on where you place your pieces on the board from turn to turn.  More info later....

3 Episode 3 is going to be a military conquest game (like a risk), but with a dice/deck building mechanic (like a Quarriors).  The game will play out much differently however than the two, but that is the best way to describe it as of now.  It is the most finished of the three games, and is the final chapter for these characters as they have risen in power and now form their alliances, or go it solo in order to try and finally claim their fame and fortune.

Alright everyone, let me know what you think, and I'll post more when i get a chance

Game Overview for Deck Building Twister Dungeon

The game design is to put 2-4 players against each other in a dangerous race where the winner achieves eternal glory, and the losers are typically lost forever in another dimension never to be heard from again.  The game utilizes a Deck Building mechanic that will allow players to move through the shards of time, successfully navigate traps, defeat monsters, and thwart efforts of their fellow racers.

The main pieces to the game are a start tile, 8 tiles that are placed in two rows of four, and then a final end game tile.  These tiles can be twisted throughout the game to cause all sorts of difficulties for the racers. 

The racers are utilizing decks of cards that they are building from turn to turn.  The decks involve action/combo cards, wound cards, minion/dungeon cards, and item cards.  One of the major mechanics of the game are the action/combo cards.  Each of these has three different effects on it listed in a 1, 2, or 3 slot.  The player is able to play any three cards down on a turn in any order, but the order will determine which effect the cards will have on that players turn.  These can be anything from dmg, to defense, to heals, to major spell affects on other players.  The item cards can be added into these combos stating that (can only be used in a 2 slot, or 3...yada yada).  Dungeon/minion cards are ways to make other player's turns more challenging, and wounds obviously slow down your hand's ability.

I have a long Rules book that I have already worked out, the only challenge so far for the game will be to complete the actual cards, and then begin play testing.  I will begin to post different aspects of the rule book down as I get them cleaned up.